Well this little blog of mine is the starting of my blogging history. I'm a blog virgin!!! That doesn't include my crap blog in friendster. Whether will it be big its all up to u guys to judge it. Well there's a blog that I have been reading for sometime and it is kennysia.com
From there I could really see the joy of blogging and I know even though me surname is Choo instead of Sia, I am still able to have my own blog and I will try my best to make it as interesting as possible.
The blog will highlight most of my life, my routine, my thoughts, my Friends and my stories. There will be things for everyone. All the latest dirty secrets and pat kua news will be in here. But don't worry, the secret of u guys wouldn't be post here.
And for kennysia addicts like Kok Hong, which is thousand miles away in Japan, if u cant get enough from kennysia, you can drop by here. For the hamsup category like those perverts in my life i will try my best to upload hot chicks photo on this blog. So Kok Hong, remember to provide me some Japanese hot chicks pictures. Make sure you are not "on them" when you are taking the picture. This blog is still rated for general viewing. But if you do have those pictures, you can send it personally to me. And make sure you have your "onion rings" on.
After a while, just notice that typing in proper English is not that easy after all, because with my half broken English and MSN shortcuts, its impossible to expect me to spell words correctly on the keyboard. But hopefully this blog will help me to get back the feel of writing.

Its kinda ironic, with such English language skills of mine, I am still able to obtain A1 for my English 1119 paper. Just mind the two 2A in the slip. That is kinda sad case with my tragic SPM. Wait till u see my A-levels results.
So, this really shows that the standard in Malaysia is not that high after all. Or I shall say it was never high at all. But I think my English is still to the point of understand-able.
Lastly, this blog is dedicated to all those who knew me, especially those back in SKTS, MBS, Mangliuz, people from KBU or those I knew for many years. Or just those that drop by. Enjoy!
PS: If you find this introduction boring, just skip it any read my other posts. Haha
this place sucks.
it's so boring.
you all should go to www.xanga.com/weisam
chill la.im only joking right there :)
if u prefer something more vulgar u can always drop by there... Haha :P
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