The new block is building in a fast pace. So fast second floor already. This is what you will get for paying 1.1 million for each block.

Then Kevin went to the toilet and we saw this. Not his p**** la. This sign outside the toilet. WTF? Bilik Haruman Lelaki? What is so harum about the toilet? You go into the toilet to mengharumkan yourself? At least the smell of the toilet is much more pleasant now compare to the old days. But it is still not harum.

We've been wandering around, having canteen food and all. How miss the old days? But some of them really have grown up. All busy doing big business with their handphones ringing every five seconds.

Then we came across of the picture of this f***er, oops I mean Richard. What a poser? Well he didn't change all these years. Still so cute. NOT!!! Well he is good. No offence, just for entertainment.

Then we went down to Petaling Street for Beef Organs Noodles. Yeap, food again. Zhi Wei no longer knows the meaning of full anymore since he is trying to gain weight. But too bad its closed, so we have to settle with Wantan Noodles and Air Mata Kucing aka Longan Water.
On the way saw a fire. The fruit stall is on fire. We wanted to call the Bomba. But after seeing how cool is the lady selling the fruits there, we just don't care. The most we will have roasted fruit on the way back.

From day it turns night and from Petaling Street we switch over to Petaling Jaya. Its actually at the two far end of the of the world. But we are willing to travel for food. So we endure high speed highways, jammed street, freaking long traffic lights waiting and endless conversation. We reached SS2 Murni.

Most of them ordered the best food available there. Yet our Richard sticks to his Carrot Susu and western food. Did I mention that Richard counts out in Cantonese to figure out the price of the Wantan Me. He is like... huh? mm kau chat (RM5.70)?... yat yi sam sei mm...oh five and yat yi sam sei mm look chat...oh five seventy.

That's all for now. Freaking tired. And this is Ken Han's version about today. And if you guys have time while waiting for my next post, read this. IS FREAKING FUNNY. I fell from my chair just now.
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