Well my cousin's boyfriend works in Maggi and have tonnes of it. This kinda of things of course you get it for free. Who freaking hell will buy a bottle of gassy water for freaking 9 bucks? Its definitely nice to hold on to. Then I opened it. Pop the cap opens and gas spurt out. Then I started to smell it. Sniff sniff. No smell.

With tonnes of anxiety I tasted it. Eww. Yucks. What the hell in THE MUTHA ****ER LAND is that? Its gassy, bitter and kinda sour due to the Carbon Dioxide. Eww I just can't bear finishing it.

Then I read the label "Natural Mineral Water Fortified With Gas From The Spring". Wtf? As in the Carbon Dioxide there? Imagine this scenario, its a lovely spring, guarded to keep humans out and deers and birds wandering around. Then there's a machine which collects Carbon Dioxide. What if the deer just so walk pass it and farted? Pure Carbon Dioxide with extra flavour. Eww.

End of story. Wanna know what I did last Friday with full illustrations? Read Ken Han's blog here.
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