First on is the group photo with all the anak ayam (chicks) in the company. The one in green saree nominated for best dress.

Then this is the kind and helpful Malay colleagues. Love them so much. The guy in black is my buddy POS who is also my bapak (senior la tu)

Here we got multi racial. See the Chinese, Malay and the half Indian Yi New?

Me and Catherine in her simple Kimono called Yakuza or something.

Me and Cat trying to be Japanese. Missing the square-ish mustache.

Me and Lai Mun

Me and half drunk Lai Mun. Only one cup of beer only worr.

Me and Adeline. My bossie. She is a lovely lady, don't worry.

Me and Shu Wei. The girl which is born on the same day month and year as me. Notice her lips?

She can be the brand ambassador for Lecka-lecka which we had after the dinner.

Group pic with Weng Khong, Shu Wei, Emily and Me.

Me and Emily. Who look very hot in her Cheongsam that night. No worry girl, no belly sighted that night.

Me and Emily tries to camwhored. She did good but I failed.

Me and Emily trying to be Wong Fei Hong and Sap Sum Yi.

Updated: At last found one picture with Hon Loon dailou d, updated as per request. Haha

And lastly we manage to get this stranger Chinese Princess look alike to take picture with us. She is very popular that everyone wants to take picture with her.
Whoa took almost one hour to upload these pics. 3am d. Sigh.
fren it's called Yukata. summer style kimono. ^_^
yeah, already got enlighten by my japanese friend... haha thanks anyway
PS: yakuza= Japanese gang triad
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