Ok back to the Bangkok post again. Once and for all! Haha. So this is what we did on the last day. We went to the Chatuchak market. The market can be reach by MRT of the same station name.

The market has lotsa interesting things to see. One of them is this.

You will see lotsa ang mohs around with their young escorts. Lolz. I don't think they sell those in market. They must have got it from somewhere else.

The market is huge and divide according to the stuff they sell. Very organise actually.

When we are there it's almost afternoon. So what else? Makan time le.

Everywhere we go there's sure beef noodle. This particular one have lotsa customer and we are not wrong about that. It's very nice also.

The beef they use really very fresh. I wonder do they sembelih the lembu themselves.

We also had this. Fried pig skin. Yummy and crunchy.

And then it's dessert time.

Look at the colours. This is the only dessert stall in the whole market. Not easy to find a dessert stall in Bangkok. Dunno why.

Telur puyuh goreng. It seems they like it very much. Never even tried it.

Look at the siew yuk. Ah reminds me of Taman Megah's roast pork rice.

The tasty grilled squids.

A woman making traditional ice cream. Or the ang moh calls it popsicles. Like how Bobo Chan likes it. ^^

The market sells everything that you can think of. From big to small. Like this baskets.

Even paddy. For? And you think that you bought too much and you are afraid that ur luggage will be overweight. Fear no more coz...

DHL is here in the market.

A modern cure for the waking up early for market after the late night clubbing.
The market is also very popular with it's cheap pets that Kenny Sia need to smuggle in a couple of it.

Kenny Sia's dulan dog sleeping.

They are really cute.

And after too much blogger flocking there to take pictures only instead of buying, the owner restrain anyone from taking pictures for most of the pets. But I'll have my way.

From normal to the exotic ones.

My friends the lizards.

Dead tortoise.

And even snakes are on sale.

And how can we neglect the underwater ones. Considered very cheap for a Japanese koi. Here with 100 baht (RM10) you can buy like 3 mini minnie gold fishes.

Even though it's an open air market, but there no, I mean NO rubbish on the floor!
As we are about to leave we saw these on the way.

Very cheap and cheap looking hair extensions. It's a hip thing here. To me it looks like glitters rafia strings.

And not only cars has parking lot. Even MRTs.

Also there's this stall selling something we are very familiar with in Malaysia. Which attracts quite a number of crowd.

It's a Tae Ta Re (Teh tarik) stall. =.= what so special? Can't even get the spelling right.
So we head back to the hotel to gather our stuff. But we are early and so we entertained ourselves.

There's this musician person at the lobby playing some kinda musical instrument thingy.
We went to the 7-Eleven nearby to see what we can buy to spend all our small change.

And we saw this self-service sandwich making machine.

Char Yip Dan in vaccum pack. Alamak need anot oh?

Fried fish skin.
And then we went to the Ah Yat Abalone Restaurant in our hotel to have a look. Yeap is the branch of the one we have in KL.


A grouper. Lou Shu Pan I think.

More groupers.

Dunno what is it called. Some elephant trunk thingy in chinese.

And the its time to go to the airport already.

The new and busy airport. 500baht (RM50) away from the city by taxi.

Air Asia and Thai Air Asia counters.

Thai Air Asia logo. Tony Fernandes is really good!

Our last meal in Bangkok. So much cheaper than in the plane. It even has meat in a pouch to be heated.

And then it's liquor time. Liquor in Bangkok Airport is damn cheap!

Yeap, purchasing liquor in Bangkok really has time. Very weird timing. No liquor from 2-5pm. I think it's their praying time.

This boxes of cigarates really caught my attention. Adui. Really potong steam.

There's a big departmental store once you check in. But due to the stupid annoucement of last call. We are unable to shop. Ish there's like 1 hr more before the plane gonna fly or something.

The walkway to the airplane is very cool. It has all this fan blowing and secreting stuff. Must be to disinfect the passengers like animals when they enter the country. Haha.

The board shows 1st class. And we are suppose to use the left one. OMG we are going to be flying in 1st class. Lolz.

So these is all the stuff I bought. Really not much.

But I like the liquors the most. *Winks* The Absolut vodka is only 500baht (RM50). OMG. And the vodka is at last finished and interesting to come with it later. So, that's all from Bangkok. Kappungkrap everybody for reading.
the doggy is so kyOoOot
haha like me? *blush*
May i know what is that DIY puppy and bear thing in cilinder bottles?
it's a kit that provides all the material and measurement to make up a teddy bear... good gift idea...
here they are selling almost 4times the price there...
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