So here's a short one, which I manage to finish up while slacking my way clicking the mouse.
Hmmm let see. Oh yea. After checking in, it was damn good to take a hot shower and rest. But no! There's no freaking hot shower. Everything bout the trip is fine except the blardy darn toilet. Basin spoilt, shower with no heater.
Freaking hell, I know I don't use the heater at home but when I travel I miraculously need hot shower. *lololol*
Anyhow, we reached there kinda early. And the 1st thing we do is actually to sleep. =.= *swt* Can't really resist the bed due to the lack of sleep and also the sun is super hot that afternoon.
So we decided to snorkel the next day and be a hermit crab for the day...
And played Monopoly. What the heck? Lololol we traveled coast to coast across the country (peninsular) just to play Monopoly. But well that's the best monopoly game I played so far.
Then we dashed over to the restaurant to have lunch
All you can eat Nasi Tomato and side dishes. Me lovin it! But not to the rest. Don't fancy Malay food I guess.
So, when the sun is not that farkingly hot, we crawled our way from the air-conditioned room and to the beach.
AHHHH! Blue sea. And it's seriously blue! Not like Port Dickson, Pangkor, Penang and etc etc.
And it's time to get wet. 1st on...
Kayaking. Not my 1st time. It's my gazillion times doing this, but definitely my 1st time using an opened kayak. Which means water can literally fill the kayak and cause it to overturn!
Which add to the fun! Minus the risk of killing all the gadgets such as digicams and handphones in my bag. Wahaha.
And yea, unfortunately ( I mean gladly!) with her. So much so, not much paddling need to be done by me. All I have to do is to paddle into the middle of nowhere and she will auto paddle it back to the shore. (Lolz female swimmer with a kayak-overturn phobia!)
Then it's time for the things that everyone is good at...
And again! Btw they are Eang Bee, Jennifer and Pei Wen.
A group pic (the only one I think) Taken by a stupid tourist. So, by the silhouettes, the figures are Pei Wen, Jennifer, Hao Ran, Eang Bee, Me and Chi Hoong.
And oh yea, for the 1st time again I manage to bounce rocks on the water surface!
After awhile, it was that time again. More postcard pictures! Sunset... (This time, can be enlarge by just clicking at it)
And the one I like the most...
Cause it looks super red!
My emo masterpiece! Bad hair day!
A small cave that we found. Shall name it Someone's hole. That's just so wrong! Okay, I shall stop here!
When the sun sets, then it's time for dinner. Gosh! I ate so much during the trip. More than what I normally eat in a week. What to do? Traveling!
Dinner is served. This time specially made for us! Most of them don't fancy it too.
So here comes Travel Tips #1: Bring your own cup noodles in case you are picky bout food. Which is not me!
And after dinner and some drama watching. We head on to the night activity.
Beach picnicking with blazing bonfire.
What is a beach picnic without some heat from the fire? See the above... very professionally done!
Staring at it like cyclops to make it blaze!
Notice the white linen? Since we all have an extra bed in the room, so the bed linen is our picnic mat. How clever?
Travel tips #2: Do not have a picnic mat? There's always layers of unused linen or towel in the room. Why waste it? They gonna wash it anyway.
Keep burning!
And make a SOS signal! *crazy*
It was a crazy night and the moon was bright too. So shall end this with a picture of it.
AHHH! How I hope I have a DSLR. Any sponsors?
Btw, the result of Malaysian Dreamgirl is out. And the winner is *prepares rotten tomatoes* CINDY! Lololol *laugh frantically* to Cindy. Kudos!