I know CNY past like many millions months ago, but this post is super uber cool. So must share!
Ever wonder what do the lions in lion dance do when they are not performing? They work out. Here's the evidence.
So, one fine day. Mr and Mrs Lion went to California Fitness to work out their ancient muscles.

We are there already! Can you like wake up now?

So this is the gym which Jackie Chan opens. Cool! (looking at the sign)

Mr and Mrs Lion signed in their membership.

And they produced their couple card to the receptionist.
After that they went to the lockers and get done.

Doing some streches.

Mr. Lion courting a girl a the treadmill. Luckily Mrs. Lion was not around.

Mrs Lion didn't lose out either. Man: You look hot and furry!

Their personal trainer.

Working out.

Doing crunches the lion's way.

Mr Lion wants a big biceps.
After working out, diet is also very important.

Eat your vergie...

And fruits. (Mandarin oranges)

After a long day, it's nice to laze at the poolside. Courting another girl. Man, you're married to a lion for godsake!
So I guess that was how lions work out and I shall go laze by the seaside. Wish you are all here. Ya right. Go do your work now!
wahhh how come u can take so many close shots pics of the 2 lions har???
ada jalan?? hahaahha..
arrrgghhh i miss california fitness actually!!!!
Lolz I don't have jalan with the lions. I don't do furry creatures. Haha
I miss cali too! Never been there for a week d. Lolz no gym in the uni?
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