Damn sad case...look at the amount of petrol I manage to squeeze out of that pump now!
It barely fill 3/4 of my tank =.=
Hmpf, so I guess I shall continue with my plan of saving petrol.
Which means going to gym once in two days and physco myself that I have to workout double the quantity and quality so that I will not return to my initial state because I can't afford to go to gym everyday for no nuts.
Not only that, I also need to change certain driving habit on highway...

Before price hike:
My Car: Flying in 3rd lane.... *vrooom*
Idiot's Car: Moving damn slow in front...
My Car: Slow down and move closer closing the gap
Idiot's Car: Finally give way
My Car: Stare cock at the driver (for obstructing traffic) while me, continue flying ahead...
After price hike:
My Car: Cruising at 80km/hr in 3rd lane... *no sound emitted*
Idiot's Car: Moving damn slow in front...
My Car: Slow down and move closer closing the gap
Idiot's Car: Finally give way
My Car: Stare cock at the driver (for wasting my fuel) while me, continue cruising ahead...
I guess I did changed, someways....
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