Yar, I'm slow and outdated...
But after so many years of gaming...sometimes my favourite games always makes me hate the real world...
I mean why is it in the gaming world, things are so much easier?
Don't agree?
Diablo II for instance...

All you have to do is walk around, opening stash or kill some small little animal...and

Waala... you get gold! In the real world, you have to wake up early in the morn, stuck in jam, do repetitive boring job, suck up to the boss... or even lick some *insert your %$#$ preferences* just to get a pay which can't buy you a peanut...
Or in Warcraft 3 or Dota

If you wish to go shopping in 1U and you are staying in Cheras....

Just use the Scroll of Town Portal and you will home in seconds... no petrol no polution and best no need to care bout petrol price hike...
Or if you are tired or worn out

Just gulp down a bottle of Mana Potion and your mojo/magic/energy will be restored.
Or worse... if you fail your examinations... then...

Just get yourself a Mystic Staff or something... it will automatically increase your intelligence... lol ya right *really challenging my intelligence now*
And the most recent game which I love would be, Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

It's so illogical that tiberium (aka the source of all stuff) is laying around on the floor and it can be harvest and turn into everything... humans unit or building unit... don't even need an architect or engineer... lol if only... or else I can stop studying already!
But it will be very nice if we were to be in a gaming world, imagine when you are playing Counter Strike

You can own a sniper and shoot at enemies without even have to go for any training...
If only I can live in the world of my favourite games. Imagine the convenience and the amount of things I can just do with the end of my finger tips.
I can do assignment by buying a magical pen or go to movies by using a scroll and the best will be...

Being able to yumcha with my friends from Rawang, Kepong, Damansara, Cheras or even UK at the same time... Wahaha
lol lol lol. hahaha. 75 gold to buy town of portal to tele home, how cheap is that :P
WHEE yam cha in CS @@
ti3nd:lol really dota pro... 75 gold meh? haha 1 yr didn't touch d! haha
rynne: lol jom!
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