Wednesday, 24 October 2007
You have always longed for tenderness, love and a sensitivity of feeling into which you would like to blend. You are a very gentle warm person and responsive to 'All things bright and beautiful'. This personifies a caring person, a person who 'needs' and indeed 'needs to be needed'.
You are a leader in every sense of the word. You know where you are going and you know what you need to do in order to get there. You exercise an inherent initiative in overcoming obstacles and difficulties. You either hold, or wish to achieve, a position of authority by means of which full control can be exerted over events.
In spite of all the opposition, you are insisting that your goals are realistic but circumstances are forcing you to compromise. You are not very happy with this situation but there is little that you can do about it. You have very strict standards which you try to apply to everyone who enters your sphere of influence.
As of late, you have been experiencing untold stress and this is a result of continuous frustration. You haven't been taking care of all your physical needs and it's beginning to show. It would seem that you have a need to find someone to whom you can really relate - someone perhaps whose standards are as high as your own. You want to be different - to be individualistic - to stand out from the common herd. Your inherent control of your sensual instincts is restricting your ability to give yourself to open up freely but this being on your own, being lonely, often makes you feel the need to give up some of your strict standards to surrender to the general flow - to be like everyone else; a part of the herd. Deep down you regard such instincts as weaknesses to be overcome. You would like to be loved or admired for yourself alone. You demand recognition and tender loving care.
You have so many ideas that you would like to revitalise but you need to realise a stable and peaceful condition to do so. Once you can free yourself from all the aggravation and tension around you, you will make strides that may amaze you. You will not be prevented from achieving all the things you so desire.
Haha almost true for most of it. Try it yourself here.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
We Gonna Miss Lim Goh Tong Very Much
Genting founder dies (The Star 23/10/07)
The tycoon, who turned 90 in April this year, was renowned for his vision in transforming Genting Highlands from an unexplored hilltop to one of the world's most successful casino resorts.
The fifth child in a family of seven children, Lim migrated from China's Fujian province in 1937 at the age of 19 with only a small suitcase and US$175.
The idea of a hill resort was chanced upon by Lim amidst the crisp air of Cameron Highlands in 1964. Lim was then working on a hydro-electric power project at the popular hill resort, patronised mostly by British colonials seeking cool refuge from the tropical heat, when he foresaw a prosperous Malaysia of the future desiring a cool mountain holiday resort within the reach of all Malaysians.
To date, Genting Highlands Resort has five hotels and two apartment blocks at the hilltop and Awana Genting Highlands Golf and Country Resort.
The company, founded in 1965, has since expanded and diversified from its initial hotel and resort activities to plantations, properties, paper manufacturing, power generation, oil and gas, electronic commerce and information technology development under Genting Group.
According to Forbes Asia, the Genting Group founder was third richest in the country with a net worth of US$4.3bil (RM14.6bil).
Lim is survived by wife Puan Sri Lee Kim Hua, and their six children and 19 grandchildren.
Monday, 22 October 2007
On another note, kinda happy today that despite all the sorrowness in my heart for the past few period, there is people who stands up from out of nowhere to find out whether am I okay?
Those are some even I didn't spoke to for a very long time, and some so far away in East Malaysia and even
You guys really bring up the best in me. So gonna dedicate this song to you guys.
Haha this is also to share the words that I bought Blue's Asian Edition CD, both All Rise and One Love for RM10 for sekeping at Berjaya Times Square, Popular Bookstore Fair. You can get CD like Leo Ku, Joey Yung, Blue, Neyo, and etc for RM10 sekeping. So don't miss your chance.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Star Idol Malaysia 2007

Was very happy that at last talent do pay off in popularity SMS shows. My choice, Mayjune reign over popularity of MJ. But the most impressive of all is the amount of VIP the invited for that night. My initial choice was Hishiko, but kena kick out too early. Me too stingy to vote.

1st on the list is Chu MiMi, a Malaysian who not much people know she is, who acted in tonnes of TVB drama. Then, there is Fong PoPo, a veteran Hong Kong actress who starts acting since 6. Amazing.

Then there is V Chuan and Chuan Yi. Both very talented singer and Dennis of So You Think You Can Dance Malaysia. Overall was kinda proud of Malaysia being able to put up such a show. Can't wait to see more to come. Its a small step eventhough its not up to everyone's standard. But at least there's a step taken. Me also in the process of taking small steps to make big changes.
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Post Kure Kure
Worse I notice there is one missing and only on flavour not opened. Which is strawberry. Maybe they don't like that flavour. I was so furious over that incident.
Then as I planned for a very long time, I at last manage to find all the stuff to be send to Kok Hong. Was very worried will the open it for inspection, cause it is all cooking seasoning and a PIRATED CD. I paste the CD with a sticker and write the CD key in the birthday card. How genius. At least enough to fool those people in Pos Malaysia.

On the day of departure of the package in Pos Malaysia Main Building, Jason and me, was lining up. And this question simultaneously pop up in our mind. How long will it take to reach? That must be judged by the speed they are working as we re lining up.

Then its our turn, so I went to ask the Mak Cik which is half asleep.
Me: Jadi perlu berapa lama sampai kalau terbang? Mak Cik: Seminggu kut... (yawn)
Me: Kalau kapal? Mak Cik: Sebulan? Mungkin tak sampai, s'bab sampan tengelam...
Me: Hah? Tak sampai? Jadi camne? Mak Cik: Tak sampai maksudnya tak dapat le...
Me: (I was in a good mood, so...) Jadi takpe le, kalau tengellam, saya buat expedisi titanic... Mak Cik: (Woke up) Hahahaha
Me: Tak pe la. Saya nak terbang la, kalau macam tu. Mak Cik: OK.
After that I really have no comment. I wonder this kinda of people serve Datuk Robinson is my previous post. Wonder what will happen?
Friday, 19 October 2007
Kevin, Its the 19th Aniversary of Your Public Nude Day (Hospital At Least)

Just wanna say good luck and all the best in your STPM. And hopefully live happily ever after with Aaron. Haha. Happy Birthday.
Monday, 15 October 2007
Let's Start It All Over Again!!!
It's all over. It should have been for a very long time. Its time to reevaluate what is important and what is not. Especially those that I've been took for granted. Gotta emphasis on the things which is most important to me.
This also randomly remind me about the theory which Yi New and I discussed out of boredom at work. Theory of the lotus and the sunflower.

Think it this way, lotus, despite living in murky water and stinky lake. It manage to emerge out to be a lovely flower. Never complained and never have the urge to climb out from the muddy water to be like the rest of the flowers. Instead it adapt to its surroundings and contrast itself to the nasty background.
But at the other hand, a sunflower. Stands up where ever it is. Always look up to the sky facing the sun. Seeking attention from passerby. But guess what? These are the ones who will be picked up and harmed. So bad that even its seeds is eaten.
So what kinda flower you wish to be? It's your choice.
Look ahead, see what is important. Been telling this to Eang Bee yet I myself forgot bout it. To end this post. Let's all live happily then. ONE LOVE.
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Its 1965 All Over Again
Interested to know? Read these two article from The New Strait Times.
KUALA LUMPUR: Singapore would be happy to rejoin Malaysia if it surpassed the island’s success, its former prime minister and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew said.
Bernama reported that the Singapore founding father had made similar remarks in June 1996, raising a storm on both sides of the Causeway with the then prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad saying he did not think the time had come for a merger yet.
Dr Mahathir also described the remarks as just a means “to jolt Singaporeans” to their senses.
Asked about Singapore’s “sense of endangerment” and why it worried about its survivability in the long run, Lee replied: “Where are we? Are we in the Caribbean? Are we next to America, like the Bahamas?
“Singapore is a superstructure built on what? On 700 square kilometres and a lot of smart ideas that have worked so far — but the whole thing could come undone very quickly.
“When (Malaysia) kicked us out (in 1965), the expectation was that we would fail and we would go back on their terms, not on the terms we agreed with them under the British.
“Our problems are not just between states, this is a problem between races and religions and civilisations.
“We are a standing indictment of all the things that they could be doing differently.”
Analysts in Singapore, however, do not see any possibility of a Malaysia-Singapore merger.
“The chances of a re-merger in 1996 and in 2007 are the same — zero,” said Dr Ooi Kee Beng, co-ordinator of the Malaysia study programme at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and author of The Reluctant Politician: Tun Dr Ismail and His Time.
“The very idea of a re-merger on Singapore’s terms is appalling to most Malays,” Ooi told the Today newspaper. — Bernama
Courtesy of NST 12/10/07
And guess what? There's a follow up to it too.
KUALA LUMPUR: Singapore's Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew should not pass uncalled-for remarks about Malaysia and its people.
Lee had said that Singapore would be happy to rejoin Malaysia if it surpassed the island's success.
"They have the resources. If they would just educate the Chinese and the Indians, use them and treat them as citizens, they can equal us and even do better than us.
"We would be happy to rejoin them," Lee had said in an interview with the Asia Institute of the University of California, Los Angeles.
"Let's build on this and not dwell on history."
Meanwhile, DAP chairman Karpal Singh said that the destiny of Singapore and Malaysia was intertwined.
"Singapore must realise that it has Malaysia, a country endowed with natural resources, as its hinterland. A day will come when Singapore will burst at its seams."
"Pure logic demands that one day Singapore will have to return to the fold by rejoining Malaysia for its survival, whether it likes to or not," he said.
Courtesy of NST 13/10/07
For the record, there is no posting of this news on The Star. Its seems that it is very anti-controversial these days. And even The Sun cut downs on its juicy news.
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Robinson's Datuk

Imagine lying on this bed which cost RM20k and note that the models are not included. WTF? Its the price of my car already not to mention the clothes there, nothing less than rm300? A normal dress which Cat fell in love with is around RM1k.

Was tonnes of fun working there, met new people and all. See how all the "high nosed" people shopped. They are like buying stuff at Giant or Tesco but with the price tag which its 100x. I wonder where all these rich people come from. They maybe didn't exist in the 90's when Robinson's was actually opened in KL once then, but closed down due to excessive killing of flies (means no business in Chinese terms).

But I have not get to the best part yet, was happying trying all the expensive perfume and all, rubbing shoulders with the VVIP, served with cuisine and meeting Bernie Chan (alot pimple holes like me) and also checking out the real person manequins. (Darn rich until hire real people as manequins)

So was about to go home, then came this Datuk XXX creating a huge havoc, and the conversation is as follow:
Datuk XXX: What is this? Do you know who am I? I'm a VVIP here, a classy person. Yet you tell me you can make my this pant's button hole slightly bigger?
Manager 1: Oh isit so?
Datuk XXX: Yeah, your cashier said so. I'm so not satisfied with this kinda service. This is a five star departmental store.
Manager 2: We are so sorry. I was just informed that the tailored just went home. (10pm)
Datuk XXX: WENT HOME? What is this? Today is your first day opening, yet you telling me that you never paid your tailor to work overtime?
Manager 1: We are so so sorry. Is there anything we can do to satisfy you?
Datuk XXX: I dunno, I'm just very angry now, I was invited here by your Datuk and I spend money here. Yet not you giving me all these nonsense. You think I'm here just to eat your rubbish food? I'm a classy guy ok? Look at this (the wallet which he took out 10X in the real conversation). Tell me what bank do you want? Citibank? OCBC? Hong Leong? CIMB? ETC? All these cards are with a limit of 500K each (WTF? He got like 20 in his wallet and he claimed that he had another wallet full at home). Tell me know what you want? I can buy you a Benz now.
Manager 3: We are so sorry to trouble you. What if....?
Datuk XXX: What if what?...... Bla bla bla. the scolding continues until the whole Level 2 is filled with the music he sang.
Interuption: At the moment, I was so eager to go home, as my work there are done, but I cant. If I were to leave I have to pass in front of him. ME REALLY GETTING FURIOS.
At last the story end with he tearing the PLATINUM and TITANIUM (King of all cards) and threw at the manager. At last to be found out that he is a good friend to the Datuk who owns my bank, OCBC and also Robinsons. GG to the managers. And I can lastly go home. But come to think of it, the Datuk who scolds was right, cause the service there doesn't match up to the prices. Haha.

Disclaimer: This storey was half fictional due to the fact I can't show the magnitude of the conversation here. Its last for 30 minutes. I'm too tired to type all here. But believe me it was about 3X the magnitude of those Datuk who scolds people in the drama. Very dramatic indeed. You want the real thing with actions, I will act it out during yum cha. Lolz
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Ignorance is a bliss
Updated: Having depression now. Dunno why? There's a reason, but I can just say I'm speechless.
1st definitely to say sorry to those I accidentally hurt. I never meant it. It will be crazy for me to broke something i built for such a long time.
But my heart is seriously bleeding with a twenty inch cleaver slashing through it. What can i say? I was told I'm someone which I myself are against strongly, a person who doesn't appreciate friends. My heart was really broke into two. I'm not blaming anyone seriously, but if i do portray myself to be this way I'm really sorry.
There's nothing much to be say now but I should just say I'm sorry to the both of you. I hope you know who you are.
On another matter, I'm really starting to doubt myself. Am I setting my priority right? I put certain 1st yet being disappointed. Really questioning my own principles. I've been putting friendships above my own family yet I'm being disappointed. I think I owe a big apology to my family.
And being observant is never a good thing. People will not blame you for not knowing something yet being to observant and care bout everything which is so call important to you, is just a way to invite unwanted hatred. Noticed that only to care those who really worth it. Which I hope are all of you guys out there. I mean every single one.
Those that care bout me. Don't worry I'm fine. Haven't die yet. Resetting my principles, credibility and etc. Been listening to this song non-stop.
Friday, 5 October 2007
Whatever Is Coming to Kuala Lumpur and Not To Mention Anything Also By The Way

But the truth is you can. Whatever and Anything are here in KL at last. If you ever notice the post on ALL the stuff I brought back from Singapore, there's a can of Anything and Whatever. It's the latest beverage in Singapore. I was supposed to blog on that but got lazy and forgot about it.
But today when I switched on the news, I was thrilled that they are here at last. Its 100% made in Singapore which is the downfall, but it taste fantastic. But come to think again, how can someone put anything and whatever in a can?
So out of curiosity, I checked the ingredients. Walao, this is the list:
Whatever (Non-carbonated) : Tea (Iced Lemon, Peach, White Grape, Jasmine, Apple and Chrysanthenum)
Anything (Carbonated): Coca-cola, Lemon Fizz, Apple Fizz and Root Beer

Huh? Like that also can? So they should pay me copyrights because I created Anything when I was in Standard 1 when visiting Burger King. I mix up all the free flow soft drinks there. Lolz.
You can visit their interesting website here. I personally prefer Whatever cause its non-carbonated and I'm learning to be ignorant. So Whatever lah. Get your self one soon.
P/S: They should have paid me as their ambassador in Malaysia.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Greatest Deal You Can Ever Get.

KFC's vouchers. Our lovely neighbourhood heart warming, chicken frying, stomach filling restaurant is giving out free vouchers.

Just copy this down and print it out.

But don't try to photocopy it and distribute it. Only printed copies are acceptable.

Courtesy of KFC e-Craving
Next on, let me present you something even better. Want to get buy 1 free 1 voucher from Sushi King up to an unlimited order?

Or free chicken from Nando's?

50% off all item up to a bill of RM200 in Giordano?

P/S: Remember to tell me how well it goes.
Monday, 1 October 2007
Happy Birthday to 2 Mang Liuz Guys
To Kah Fai wish you good luck in whatever you do in you future and be with the one you want. ^^
To Zun (Ga*vin) hope you will be forever happy with your gal gal and happy for whatever is installed for your future. And always be our superstar. (Btw if you noticed that he is familiar, he is 2007 Project Superstar Finalist= bangga) :P
As per request by the hot photographer herself, this picture was taken by our forever lovely Kelly Chong. Lolz.
So, friends forever and Murni soon. Miss the food already. But must diet cause sit too much in the office.