Thanks to Reddishtea or Sue, I was able to catch the screening of Made of Honour in 1U.
And it was superb! Met a lot bloggers there along the way.
Karena Cheow, me, Wai Seng and Sue
With Josh Lim
The bloggers I met!
This is so candid!
Look properly and you will spot me... the fronti-est and the lefti-est row with people. *lol* in cinema, non VIPs get to sit at the most front!
The movie was great and I met tonnes of people that day! Nice to know all of you! :)
*pictures are obviously credited to it's respective owners as per watermarked except Wai Seng's*
Super busy (lazy) after coming back from Ipoh and I finally resetting my life back to it's proper timing... I mean I'm sleepy for the 1st time at 1am but then I'm still blogging at 3am. Damn, I'm screwed!
Friday, 27 June 2008
Just came back from Ipoh 1 day road trip and had tonnes of food! Let's see... Foh San dim sum, Old Town white coffee, fried Keoy Teow, AsamLaksa, Yong Tau Fu, Creme Brulle, Taugeh Chicken and IkanBakar! Crazy!
Have not slept for the past 36 sleep now! Nitezz
Recently AMBP had a gathering and I was there to kepoh. Here's the picture... descriptions if missing: insert with your imagination *run to watch Charmed 8*
Was held in Cineleisure Damansara and free premiere to watch The Incredible Hulk.
The gathering is to get all the bloggers together and minggle and see what the whole blogosphere have to offer.
Yes! We here in Modesto and it is the 1st ever live blogging ever done in South East Asia!
And to update you on what is going on, here our little pals to show us around:
Mr Simba and Miss Tigger!
First up.... I know you all are waiting for this.... the ending of XiaXue Vs Lizard Man!
But before that let us scout through the room and see who's wearing what in the room tonite! So take it over, Simba and Tigger!
Simba: Whoa, what a night isn't it? Everyone is really dressing up to impress! Tigger: Yea! Strutting their thing and flocking all the feathers on their body.
Simba: Mmm potential fashion preys. Tigger: Exactly, let's see who will rise up the top of the food chain and who will be disposed into fertilizers.
Simba: OMG look at those human... Tigger: Yah I heard they are called costumes...hmm and they are Kevin, Simon, Kenny and Mayszin
Tigger: Hot Chicks! So yummy! Simba: I spot a cheese flavour chick! It's Ringo
Simba: You gotta be kidding me...isn't that the 3 blind mice. Tigger: OMG that's like so cool la... they are with their Gucci, Prada and LV Shades!
Simba: Hmmm she look so wild in her Victoria Secret lingerie..
Simba: Finally the Cheese flavoured chick
Simba: Hey face painting! Tigger: And they are drawing me.
Simba: What the chicken? Tigger: Even Kong made it here.
Simba: Nicholas Cow. Yeeha!
Tigger: Someone not in his costume.... naughty naughty!
Tigger: The 3 blind mice on the red carpet!
Tigger: Kenny's long lost sister spotted!
Simba: The obscene Andrew Gorilla
Simba: Look at the food! Nice!
Tigger: Goodies bag...hopefully they throw in some LV or something
Simba: Dig In
Tigger: Free booze
Tigger: Check out Kenny with Adeline of MDG!
Simba: We shall take a break now and return to the main blogger and to view the finale of.... XiaXue Vs Lizard Man!
So here it is:
So the battles took almost few months. Long night of preying, thousands of sticky lizard traps and lizard poops and one day...They finally meet each other face to face and the start talking...
XiaXue: Hey you #%%^%#^ lizard. Do you know that you seriously have no life, look very fugly and you freaking poop everywhere? Lizard Man: What? It's not that I can do anything bout that, I'm just answering nature's call. That's all. And FYI *snap fingers* I have blog too you know?
Xia Xue: Really? Lizard Man: Yeap, it's called ... haven't you heard it? It's like the Perez Hilton in my world!
And finally the both of them found at thing in common and as some of you might know... XiaXue is looking for a new BFF (Best Friend Forever) and guess what?
Yes, you got it.... Lizard Man is the final pick. And from then onwards they go to parties and shop together just like any other BFF! All thanks to blogging! THE END *claps*
What? Not as what you all expected? This is the best I can do...while typing this I'm like surrounded by approximately 200 XiaXue's fans here. Crazy meh?
And I gonna make it clear that the story is obviously fictional and it doesn't reflect XiaXue's love/hate towards lizard. *lol pls don't kill me*
To say the less, let's just take a break and we will come back with more live updates with Simba and Tigger. *run and hide*
I know you all are waiting but in just a few hours more... the battle between Lizard Man and XiaXue will come to an end.
Stay tune to find out it yourself here:
Live from Modesto, Sri Hartamas! *subject to any circumstances that might arise in the event eg: not able to get near to a comp will affect when the post will be up*
Yes I gonna do 3 reviews in one post. Yes, I'm lazy!
1st up The Incredible Hulk.
Watched the The Hulk and I find this one better. Though the execution of the older one is better. But this is much more Marvel comic like.
It's the continuation of the 1st movie about how Edward Norton run away to Brazil to find cure for himself and get himself out of trouble.
One thing that bother me is that, why the freaking hell is he so busy choosing a pants when he will always rip it when he evolve... and who will even be interested to see his green wee wee when he is an ugly Hulk. =.=
And as he return to the US to make the antidote, he encounter another Hulk like creature and they fought till one of them eventually die... lol *boring*...
In the movie, Stan Lee once again plays a cameo role. He accidentally drank a soda contaminated with Edwards blood and turned into something which is not shown.
Lol... what an attention seeker!
Not to be missed is how Starks Corp is infused in the movie. At 1st I thought I saw it wrongly but at the end Tony Stark appeared and wanted to do something with the General.
So I think it will be a Hulk vs Ironman movie out soon...hmm how interesting.
If so why don't just make a Justice League movie, then we will see all the superheroes in one movie. It will be a big seller.
How much does it worth?: Normal weekends rate-RM12
Then we have the movie, Made of Honour.
A very worth watching movie. Laughing my ass off the whole time. With dirty jokes, it can almost be on par with The Simpsons in terms of comedic points.
It's about Tom a casanova which sleeps with any girls he meet with other than Hannah a girl he met accidentally during one of his planned sleepover with Hannah's roommate.
And eventually they became good friends. Then one day Hannah was sent to Scotland for an acquisition trip and fell in love Collin, a Scottish which turn out to be a duke.
So Hannah wants Tom to be the "maid" of honour for their wedding but Tom think otherwise. He has a plan to win Hannah back along the way thru the wedding.
Unforgettable scene:
Collin's Scottish Aunt: (In Scottish) When you guys have a son next time, it will be fine if you name him Arhthol (Arh.hole) Hannah: Tom, what was your aunt saying? Collin: *Translate* Hannah: Oh nono, we are not naming our son Arhthol (Ars.hole) Collin's Scottish Aunt: But there's many duke in Scotland named Arhthol. Collin: You know what? We will put it somewhere in the middle as a hidden middle name.
How much does it worth? : Premier Class ticket-RM20
Lastly KungFu Panda, one of the long awaited animation.
The whole idea of the story is a fat panda accidentally chose to become the Dragon Warrior.
Obviously he is in the wrong place at the wrong time.
And during that time, a great villain got escape from the prison and Po, the fat panda is the only one destined to defeat him. Or is he?
The movie only emphasis on Po and the Shifu. The rest of the masters are just merely a cameo, eventhou the big names behind the character.
Angelina Jolie- Tigress, Jackie Chan- Monkey and Lucy Liu- Viper. It's really sad that most of them only get like maximum 40 lines in the movie...
But in the movie there's two character which caught my attention:
Master Oogway (Oo-kwai) gettit?
And also Po's father which happen to be a goose =.=, Mr. Ping. It's weird how half of the character speaks Hongkie English while the rest have the American slang.
I don't think that works really well. It's kinda...not believable.