To those who have access to my MSN and e-mail will definitely know my passion over these creatures called lizards! Ahhh lizards ar! (more of the excited tone than afraid)
I love lizards so much that I came out with my story of a boy lost in the Amazon and being raised by a pair of lizards. Huh! Ala Jungle Book ya? Wild enough?
So here it goes...
The Cicak Book by Kenny Choo
Once upon a time, there was a cute and handsome *slap slap* little baby who got lost when his scientist parents brought him along on a field trip.
Then fortunately he was found by a pair of lizards

Author's note: Yeap, that cute baby is me!
Papa Lizard: Hmm, juicy and succulent! Let's gobble it!
Mama Lizard: *slap slap* Crazy la u, he is so cute...let's raise it.
Then the two kindhearted lizard brought up the kid and send him to school

Author's note: What? Animals have animal's school okay? Imagination!
Carry on, the cute lizard boy excel well in school and made quite a number of lizard friends along the way.
He is also good at art. Err kinda...

Author's note: I swear this is not for the purpose of the most unrecognisable animal. Serious! *ahem*
It was actually a portrait of his ancestor, at least that is what he thought, without knowing the fact he is actually human. *insert drama background music*

The animal school really emphasis a lot on outdoor activities, they even have trips to butterfly park...

Author's Note: I was attempting emo shot. *shaddap*
Life was great. The boy enjoyed his life as a lizard and the whole lizard community lives happily ever since, until the boy reaches 20 years old. (fine! in the story, the rest of the lizards have human age)
The whole lizard world is threatened by a monstrous diva...

It's XiaXue! The Queen of The Un-lizardary World. She has sworn to vanish lizards from her kingdom. With no mercy!
Author's note: (Too many author's note d.) For those who don't follow XiaXue's blog, here's the story how she battles it out and tried to kill the whole lizard population from her pink kingdom.
Soon, the little boy's family was threatened by the almighty diva and the little boy knows that it's time to repay his parents.
He trained days and night, mastering the skill of climbing walls, killing enemy with sticky tongue and made a flashy costume. (so much long winded...just blardy got bitten by a radioactive lizard la). And from then on...he shall rename himself as....

No that's not what you think it is. This is different. Just different la...
And so the battle between Lizard-Man and XiaXue begins.

A half lizard, half man hero saving his population from being extinct and a powerful Queen protecting he fluffy pink kingdom from the invasion of her enemy.
Who will triumph? Who will fall? The story of the century not to be missed. Stay tuned to Nuffnang Wild 'Live' Blogging to find out the finale of the story!

Nice story right? Can't wait to see how it ends! Shall continue it on that day itself. That also if I can get hold to a comp. Damn, I so want a laptop.... Toshiba Satellite or HP mini will be fine.
Or I can just win the Dell XPS M1330... *lol* but then, what to wear? After that pajama party everyone gonna squeeze their last creative juice to make sure they outshine each other this time...
Remember Mr. Chipster?
How crazy will people do it this time?

I think the most extreme is to go in Tarzan underwear... but....

True! And I will be super popular and appear in all the newspaper at that time, so much so I might need to migrate to Amazon for good... *faint*
Or maybe I just go as Cicak Man then...

I doubt our costume boutique here is that sophisticated. I tried to look for costumes there last time and the best they have is made-in-China-looking cloth Spiderman!
Or maybe this will do...

Crocodile Hunter! I have everything the shirt, the shorts, the high black socks and the boots.
Bring along a croc too? Or stingray? Someone dressed as him with a stingray poking into the chest for Halloween before... hmmm
Maybe if I wear long sleeves and long pants then I can be...

Indie! I will make sure I bring my whip along.
I'm so spoilt with options now, really have to put some thought to it...or I just go in some animal print T-shirt.
And here's the info for the event:
Time – 6.30pm to 10.00pm
Date – 21st of June 2008
Venue – Modesto’s/Rain, Desa Sri Hartamas
Full info here.
Wow, it's in Modesto. Been there once, can't wait for the food! Yum Yum! And after the succesful Pajama Party, I really can't wait for this! Imagine all the bloggers, camwhores and everyone that speaks in Blog-ish.
So, I guess I shall see everyone there if I get the invitation. *wink wink* So that's all for now!
great blog posting on this .... u deserve it (if u win anything)
Hey,thanks! It's just idea after idea and got somehow addicted to photoshopping. Haha
Will you be there?
hahahah cicak power!!!!
cicak power up! Haha
You're Just In Time.
cicak man hahaha i blog bout him also lar! lolx
simon: yar...just in TIME... or else i dunno who to beg to bring me in
joshuaongys:haha I got more cicak man blek :P i think alot ppl is going as cicak man le...mus change plan
Hello, I'm TZ...
Awesome entry... how about iguana? :-> Iguana will change color base on environment...
Iguana is cool also...the one the couch is actually iguana right?
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