Thursday, 19 June 2008

Not Very Splashy!

Here's one from the Roxy Summer Splash, dedicated to those who stayed at home or chose to leave after queueing for 1 minute.

Here's why:

It's so damn crazy. Imagine, 1000 people around you, all skin to skin attached with no space in between, all kinds of odour starts to emit from unknown sources and mysterious creature starts appearing all over you body...

Damn it, what a bad event organiser... they got too many tickets out and they do not have enough space to accomodate everyone...

And they freaking were to charge you extra... as if I will choose to go any of those with 20k ppl waiting outside... like as if the line for the rides will be clear for that day...good luck to those people.

And once inside... the ratio is like 1:10, ratio of worth looking and ratio of not worth existing :P

Even on the way out you have to wait for it....

Just one word for the whole event...crazy... will I ever do it again? Talk to me with a VIP pass or something...haha!

So here you go... these amount of people...

To fit into here...

Good luck! Picture was taken when I was leaving... and no there's no picture of me coz I was damn emo...


ti3nD said...

that is really crazy. @@

Kenny Choo said...

haha beyond crazy

My very alive... please bear with me for a little while... I swear I will be back!