And I went to Pudu to get more stuff for my fishy and on the way back I was fed with a piece of beef jerky.
Yeap! You're right! Beef jerky or Ngau Yook Korn= Compound.
Apparently my didn't put enough money into the meter. Swt! It was a Sunday for godsake. But something happen after that. Not that bad after all. :P
Gonna update on that soon. Pictures not ready yet. And to any family members out there, case settled without mum knowing, so shooot!
DBKL compounds actually need not to be paid. Coz they don't freaking care bout it and they have no data base exchange with the JPJ nor the PDRM.
But I have too many things to worry about and another legal case to add on to the list is not the most ideal thing to do.
So I went to the DBKL office in Bandar Tun Razak. It was freaking new and nice. And as I was ready to sacrifice my RM100 note, the lady ( the makan kuih at counter kind) said:
Encik, you mau bayar sini? Sini bayar 100 kalau bayar kat Jalan Raja Laut murah sikit.
Being a cheapskate, I dashed down to Jalan Raja Laut. Well after my gym that is. It's lunch hour that time!
I used to think that this is the Parliament building. Ahhh shaddap! I was young okay!
I mean, they are rectangularish and ugly right? *dumb blonde*
To my surprise, the place is renovated.

It's freaking nice and see the LCD screens? OMGness looks better than a bank.

Look at the chairs. But wait... with all these newly installed, you will start to wonder how much money was spend or in another words corrupted for this renovation.
Lol! When other country has nice government offices, we think that they are cool. And when our country have it the 1st thing that come to our minds is how much money does the person in charge get to put into his pocket.
Well that's the fact what!

Then there's this office for the Pegawai Kompaun *lol to the spelling*. It's like you go in there and being interogated (interviewed) and then he will give you a discount. Lolz.
And I got myself a 70% discount!
Cool right?
But here's a tip for paying your DBKL kompaun/saman/etc etc.
Always head down to the main office in Jalan Raja Laut. But don't freaking drive there.
Take the freaking LRT to Bandaraya station. The open air (yes say it again, OPEN AIR) carpark cost RM3.50 per hour. Crazy! Or you can just park in Sogo.
Opposite of the DBKL building is the KWSP building. And I haven't got my on9 acc activated yet.
And I'm yet to check whether Monroe Consulting had paid my EPF. Yeap Monroe always pays late. So you all better check your account.
Wah! So canggih and pintar. LOL
It reads my half ripped MyKad and thumb print! And it prints unlimited statement for FREE! Cool right?
Well I printed 2 only. 2007 and 2008. And yeah, Monroe did pays me at last. But the fact that you can get a piece of printed paper for free is really out of this world. Come on, this is Malaysia ok! You can't even get free tissue in public DBKL toilet remember!
And if you think that is cool, check this out!
Drive thru counter! Like the one in McD. But I doubt you will get discount if you pay thru drive thru. Wahaha!
Note: *Haihz* Marie Gigby is in town. Yeap she is the Youtube gal who sang the acoustic umbrella ella ella~~. Her new album is out and she will be in 1U at 8pm today. Wanted to go but thinking of parking in 1U really dampen my mood!
Shall listen to her new song... Say It Again hmm~~~
eventhough ur talking about meat... die die MUST mention eang bee horr?
no alive alive also must mention. lol is the FACT mah' lololol
lolz man... u cant be emo.. if u emo how can u help ur frens!
lolz that's why there's all these suicidal cases. Lolz let's have emo party!
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