Alter Ego: Nah, you've been late, you've been mean and lazy all the time. (*cough* watching Dreamgirls again! Fine, I love Dreamgirls...)
But I had a productive week okay... I've watched Narnia, eat at the new Pick N' Brew in 1U and spend another load of money in Isetan The Gardens during the member sale. Yes, I'm a member and I was conned to be one... Hmm more on that later.
That's my news for the week let's all shed some light on the country headlines.
Discontinue racist policies, says Rafidah
“The Government or government-linked companies should give opportunities to Malaysians based on merit, and not on race. This will increase competitiveness,” she said.
Rafidah did not refute claims that some Malay officers carried out their duties based on ethnicity and skin colour, and this also happened in Chinese and Indian companies.
“The policies are workable, it's only the officials who implement them with prejudice,” she said.
Whoa what a statement by someone from the Wanita UMNO. Hmm maybe because she is no longer the MP. But why the news is only made available for Sin Chew daily?
School uniform sexy, says group
“The white blouse is too transparent for girls and it becomes a source of attraction,” National Islamic Students Association of Malaysia vice-president Munirah Bahari said in a statement.
“It becomes a distraction to men, who are drawn to it, whether or not they like looking at it,” she said, calling for a review of uniform policy so that it did not violate Islamic ideals.
Again? Blaming on their clothings again? It's already ridiculous hot for them to wear a damn long baju kurung and yet it's not enough?
Hmm somehow why do japanese chicks get to wear short skirts in winter and yet no complain on sexual attacks?
‘Be strict like Singapore’
This mus be one of the most funniest thing I've ever heard. I was actually very happy with the title but instantly redraw my particular emotion.
KUANTAN: Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob briefly became a newscaster during the state assembly sitting here yesterday, reading an article about stringent measures taken by the Singapore Government on a group of political activists who screened a film about Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew without obtaining approval from the media regulator.
Adnan said that it was good if Malaysia could be strict like Singapore.
“In Malaysia, we just let them be and due to some bloggers, people tend to believe unfounded articles as the truth.
“This is to show that this is what we get when we are too open,” he said.
Haha! Of all the things. Yet our intelligent leader wants us to follow the worse thing our neighbouring country is good at. FYI, Singapore is ranked 140 out of 164 in the ranking of press freedom. Lol.
It's so funny how we miss that fact that the only thing we should follow is how strict Singapore government carries out it's civil law like corruptions and even small offends like littering and jay-walking. *shakes head*
Malaysians can now go fishing off Middle Rocks

This news is interesting as you see a big bunch of old fishermen gather around a small TV just to catch the live telecast of the verdict.
While me being a news enthusiast busy shopping in The Gardens. Lololol. But looking back, what a money well spend just to get a few pieces of rocks. Hmm egoistic leaders. I mean for the both countries. Save the money and subsidise the people or donate to the victims in Sichuan or Myanmar will be so much meaningful.
Blogging bandwagon for MIC
IPOH: MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu has urged party leaders to set up their own weblogs (blogs) in an effort to re-brand the Barisan Nasional component party.
Really *swt* when I read this. He urged his member to actually blog. What the hell are they suppose to write? You mean like writting an essay and then passing it up to him?
“We will also make it compulsory for each state committee to have its own website and to update them daily,” he added.
MIC would be spending RM400,000 to equip some 160 divisions with computers and other equipment.
Seriously I don't see the point of starting a blog or a website just because one is forced to do so or asked to do so. I don't think the people will find that particular site creditable.
Hmm these news really made my days. I can skip Desperate Housewives or ANTM but I just can't live one day without reading or watching the news.
And here's something before I go to sleep. Cheesie's get together. And I'm there. Blog about that later because my camera died on me again and the pictures is not with me.
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