Saiful dares Anwar to swear in front of ulamaks
...Mohd Saiful said: “The truth will prevail. Falsehood will surely be exposed".... ...“Just inform me of the time and date. I am not afraid to keep my promise,” he added.... ...The challenge is posted at the popular Friendster website at

("Wahai Anwar MUNAFIK!! Aku cabar kau BERMUBAHALAH!!Tetap kan tempat dan waktu! Aku AKAN datang!!Yang HAK Pasti Berdiri.Yang BATIL Pasti Jatuh!!Aku tidak GENTAR.. ALLAHHUAKBAR!!!") The webpage can be accessed through his fiancee’s blog, Janna Mohd Zaki- ‘A Step in My Pink Mary Janes’....
For some reason he doesn't act or talk like a rape/sodomy/fornicate victim to me.
What do you think?
lol. how you know??
Know what? haha I mean it's very common sense mah! haha
if there's sodomy i think this guy is the one who sodomy anwar. lol. i feel that sodomy is the new word for anal sex and f***
Benard: It seems that i nv ask for such medicine...u can used it for yourself
simon ho: things are getting funnier but the comedy is bad for the economy. RM stop dropping la
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