Yeap, I was there at Urbanscape this year. Thank to the uber cool people in Nuffnang, I got myself a media pass and an admission for Ah Neh Neh.
So let's not waste time and here we go...
So Urbanscape is like the party of the year for all the art enthusiasts out there regardless it's media art, performing art, abstract art...just anything but Science. Maybe not everything is Science...wateva...
So was there early...so Ah Neh Neh did her favourite past time which is shopping...
And more shopping...
The famous Lap Sap shoe...
And Mr. Lap Sap T-shirt
Quite a number of them are there... One of them is Sue!!!
Ah Neh Neh, Me and Sasha
Had beer and....
Domino Pizza while watching....
Estranged played... OMGness that is what I call party by the park!
Along the way met a few bloggers like Robb (thanks for the tix), Gary Ooi, Wilson, Shaz, and even Kelvin and Kevin made it there...
Karena, Kevin, Sue, Carmen and Mua
There place is huge and performances was held everywhere...
Joe Flizzoe in the Xpax Room...

Then Flash Mob raided KL Pac...

So there it is... everyone looking for Adrian...

And Shaz was there with the Xfresh team... nice to meet you again!
The place is really an explosion of arts...

That will be my lizard in production...

And a few celebrities spotted on the way...
The lead of Estranged
Elaine Daly of MDG
Rina of 8tv Quickie
Everyone is in shades...kinda hard to tell who is who...
Kinky Blue Fairy

And the night was wrapped up with Lap Sap doing their thing... it was a long day for me... by then I was half dead...
Pictures credit to Sue, Sasha and Karena
And the weird stuff that is given out at the event...hmm yeaps that's condom in the emergency pack...
I heard the music from my balcony... hehehe :->
Haha u stay around Sentul?
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