It's really not easy for me to blog you see...
It's either I'm sleeping or I'm out (at least for these few days)
Or even I'm ain't doing the above here... this is how my life is:
Wakes up in the evening: Shall blog after my lunch/tea time
Hala hala till 8pm: I will blog after watching the news/political drama
(Hala hala= doing anything which is fun *KBU term*)
2am: I will start blogging NOW! *switch on comp* Check email, read interesting blogs, watch loaded youtube series
(yea, I'm a cheapo, I don't download...Don't freaking have the space anymore)
5am: Finally done with everything else... I finally can't find anything else to do...SLEEP! *lol*
How interesting is my life right?
Oh btw, yesterday was Zhi Wei's we went to watch The Missing which is err... only watch it for the sake of being patriotic or if you like those phsyco movie from Lee Sinjie

And we had lunner (4pm) at Fong Lye, The Gardens.

Suppose to treat him this time... but they don't accept cards...out of cash. So the birthday boy need to tip in some nemind will treat you again!

Sa Cha Fried Noddle. Very nice and the beef is very tender.

Braised Pork Mee Sua. The pork was great but the mee sua somehow taste like bihun.

Pork Intestine Mee Sua. I love this alot but Zhi Wei think otherwise...

And we had tea like old man. 10 bucks! Jasmine and Oolong...lolol so we tried to gulp down as much as we can! Haha
Really worth a try...there's plenty of authentic Taiwanese food.
i have a fren similar to you. i mean the sleeping pattern. when people goes to sleep, he wakes up n vice versa! hahas.
anyway, keep up your good work! :)
haha I will continue sleeping...lolol
must reset my life before my course start..
haha. you have the same sleeping pattern with me. haihz. too bad my holidays are ending soon :(
Mine too...though is not really a to reset my life????
can wan larh. nowdays everyone seem to sleep very late. i use to gaming till late at night also. chi sin but very syiok. sumore here winter that time, when u wake up, cook and eat lunch, then sun set liao. can sleep again. very syiok wan.
lol sure very and sleep! omgness paling scared become fat back! oh die!
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