But I was terribly wrong because the next assignment is a sequential sketching of 5 (freaking FIVE) A3 sketches in 1 week...haha
And it was a site visit to KL Sentral... means much more complicated lines and building without using ruler and mechanical pencils!
So at 8.30am, the whole Interior Design and Architectural Technology class with 4 lecturer's took the super slow KTM to KL Sentral!
So it was damn sien! And that's Shirley...
Shirley acting pro with half of Kimberly... Obviously no one really sit there and sketch... therefore camera flashes everywhere
More students on location... see those people sitting there? They are actually sketching!
The damn building is full of beams and skeletal looking cum useless pipes on the ceiling.
Supposed to draw this... as I say... I'm supposed but due to the time constrain and my laziness...so....
I opted for these instead:
Not really easy...
Especially this. I'm bad with with human figures...
My lecturer said that it will be better that I draw stick figure instead =.=
Okla, I will train on my human... just wait for my journal...
The five sketches are suppose to tell a story....the real thing actually have titles and descriptions which I think is ridiculous and spoils the whole thing...
So I took the pics before putting in the title...
And after a long day of sketching...this is the best meal I can ask for! Yum!
well, this just reminds me of my 1st year. =p a lil comment..the proportion of the sketch is abit out. anyway, keep it up! ;)
haha yalor...very the out...very bad with free hand sketching... i want to use ruler! haha
hei kenny, good improvement dy bah? im wondering how long did you actually spent to do all the 5 sketches?
i cant imagine.
well, take your time, to fall in love with sketches, that is what you are studying and i am sure you can master the art of sketching one day!
Wow, nice sketch. If you ask me to draw I'll give you stick sketch lol.
ti3n: thanks man! took almost 3 full days... i will do better for my journal
simon:thanks... haha IT ppl no need to sketch one
EH seriously its very nice leh! I cant do it!
And I love the last pic! The chairs are so cute! :D
haha thanks...the chairs are the work of a lazy fella... chose the easy way! haha
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