Tuesday 3 July 2007

The Return And Belated Birthday to Jervis

Lolz... After much peer pressure from the public readers (not that there is anyone reading), I shall update my blog.

So finally I'd step home to KL. What a week in Singapore. The whole trip revolves around eating, shopping, walking and surprisingly clubbing. And yeah, I'm no longer a clubbing virgin. Oops bleeding already, let me go get some Kleenex.

So in a few post to come, you will be able to see what have I done in Singapore.

And this post is also entirely dedicated to Jervis Tan, for his belated birthday on 1st of July which i think he had lotsa fun since his darling cook dinner for him?

Did she cook a full banquet or just Maggi noodles?

So in here I shall redeem myself by presenting you with a large cake through my blog. If you can't finish it, then you can reuse it for your wedding la.

Read on the next post to see what I've done for the past one week in Singapore.


YukiRye said...

Wow... Cool cake. Hehehe.. What more you did there nai mah? court girls? Hehehe..

Kenny Choo said...

Lolz. Court gals is one of it. But couldnt be posted here. Wanna know more? Juzt hang on n read on. Haha

My very alive... please bear with me for a little while... I swear I will be back!